Product-focused Fullstack Developer
I'm Shreyas. I enjoy building dynamic, creative products from start to finish. Focused on developing intuitive experiences that constantly grow and improve based on user metrics. Always shipping.
Work Experience
Side Projects
Work with me
Things I'm good at
Python/(Flask/FastAPI), Node.js/Express.js.
Web, APIs, microservices collaboration.
Web Hosting and Deployments.
Problem-solving, scalability optimization.
Strong communicator
Want to work together ?
I would love to be a part of your team.
Checkout my resume
Let me know if my skills are perfect match for your job post
Thanks for visiting.
Stay awesome.
[sudo] password for shreyas:
Reading packages list... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
shreyas-profile is already the newest version (3.0)
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, 0 not to upgraded
loading art please wait...
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cat about.txt return about me
cat experiences.txt return experience
cat skills.txt return skills
cat projects.txt return projects
show resume return resume
show contacts return all contact
show -n joke return text new jokes
show -n meme return new meme image
quit exits this screen